Esta es la primera de algunas entradas del blog , al que amablemente, me ha dado derecho para lanzar "cositas" en señor Cosinot.(Aka, Stalfarisss, o El Fairys, o algo así..).
Esta serie de fanzines sobre Kraftwerk viene de la sabia mano conservadora de Daniel Cortés Zaragoza, un amigo "casual" de Facebook, que, un día, él aburrido en la mazmorra de casa durante el obligado confinamiento de la "cosas", se atrevió a escanear con su ordenador, y lanzó a los cuatro vientos, sin mayor aclamo de la gente: Excepto para este experto oledor de mierda.
Así, que por privado le pregunto, u me dice que tiene mas. Unos siete en total. ël lo intenta escanear: Resultados pésimos. Debe ser el driver TWAIN, pero él desconoce el tema .. Y todo se posterga a otro tiempo.
La lujuria, el ansia, el dócil requiebro ante tal hidromiel y néctar no me hacen dudar. Pero...claro: Estábamos encerrados. Al final, un día de lluvia feroz, nos pudimos encontrar.
Y este es el primer resultado.
No irán en orden cronológico. La señorita que lo hizo, con sabia virtud, tuvo a bien quitar grapas del lomo, y hacer su escaneo más rápido. En los originales, las páginas están en orden de impresión, que no de lectura. Si alguien los quiere, me lo pide, pero no useis papel en vano.
Se ha editado en Adobe InDesign, tras separar los tiff de cada página doble del pdf original. Aparte, un OCR para su interpepretación de carácteres, y algún retoque en Photoshop àra constraste de fotos o letras perdidas..
Y...eso es todo.
This is the first of some blog posts, to which you have kindly given me the right to launch "little things" in Mister Cosinot (Aka, Stalfarisss, or The Fairys, or something like that ..).
This series of fanzines about Kraftwerk comes from the wise conservative hand of Daniel Cortés Zaragoza, a "casual" friend of Facebook, who, one day, bored in the house dungeon during the forced confinement of "The thing", dared to scanned with his computer, and threw it to the four winds, without much applause from the people: Except for this expert smelly shit "coneisseur".
So, privately I ask him, u tell me that you have more. About seven in all. He tries to scan it: Terrible results. It must be the TWAIN driver, but he does not know the subject .. And everything is postponed to another time.
The lust, the craving, the meek compunction before such mead and nectar do not make me doubt. But ... of course: We were locked up. In the end, a fierce rainy day, we could meet.
And this is the first result.
They will not go in chronological order. The young lady who did it, with wise virtue, saw fit to remove staples from the spine, and make her scan faster. In the originals, the pages are in print order, not reading order. If someone wants them, they ask me, but don't use paper in vain.
It has been edited in Adobe InDesign, after separating the tiff of each double page from the original pdf. Besides, an OCR for its interpretation of characters, and some retouching in Photoshop to contrast photos or missing letters.
And that's it.
This series of fanzines about Kraftwerk comes from the wise conservative hand of Daniel Cortés Zaragoza, a "casual" friend of Facebook, who, one day, bored in the house dungeon during the forced confinement of "The thing", dared to scanned with his computer, and threw it to the four winds, without much applause from the people: Except for this expert smelly shit "coneisseur".
So, privately I ask him, u tell me that you have more. About seven in all. He tries to scan it: Terrible results. It must be the TWAIN driver, but he does not know the subject .. And everything is postponed to another time.
The lust, the craving, the meek compunction before such mead and nectar do not make me doubt. But ... of course: We were locked up. In the end, a fierce rainy day, we could meet.
And this is the first result.
They will not go in chronological order. The young lady who did it, with wise virtue, saw fit to remove staples from the spine, and make her scan faster. In the originals, the pages are in print order, not reading order. If someone wants them, they ask me, but don't use paper in vain.
It has been edited in Adobe InDesign, after separating the tiff of each double page from the original pdf. Besides, an OCR for its interpretation of characters, and some retouching in Photoshop to contrast photos or missing letters.
And that's it.
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